
Project Planning Template

Page history last edited by Institute for Innovation in Education 9 years, 7 months ago


  Project Planning Template and Guidelines


Planning Categories and Descriptions

Notes and Hyperlinks to Resources


Project Title  

Team members


List names, affiliations, and email addresses.




A brief summary of the project. Include target subject area(s) and grade level(s) if applicable. Indicate the stage of the project (idea, pilot, implementation, scale).




List concrete benchmarks you aim to achieve, including what impact you hope to have on participants.


Activity Description/Deliverables


Provide a description of project concrete actions you will take in pursuit of the benchmarks above, and who will be responsible for each.




Provide a description of resources required for project implementation (e.g. materials, budget, human capacity/support, technology).


Questions & Curiosities


What questions do you hope to answer as a result of project implementation? Include your research question and data collection plan if applicable.




Include a proposed timeline for implementation.


Collaboration Plans


How will you communicate with project team members and collaborators? Include a description of tools and methods you will use and frequency of communication.




Provide additional project documents and materials if appropriate.





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